
World's Famous Punch Lines



Punch Lines


*Accenture * High Performance. Delivered

*Acura*The road will never be the same

*Adobe * Simplicity at work. Better by adobe.

*Adobe*Better by Adobe

*Aflac*Ask about it at work

*AIG*We know money

*Air Canada * A breath of Fresh Air

*Ajax*Stronger than dirt

*Alka*Seltzer*I can’t believe I ate the whole thing

*Alka*Seltzer*Mama mia, thatsa spicy meatball

*Allegra*The relief goes on

*Allstate Insurance*You’re in good hands with Allstate

*Allstate*Are you in good hands?

*Alpo Dog Food*Doesn’t your dog deserve Alpo?

*AMAZON.COM * Earth's Biggest BookStore

*Ambien*Works like a dream

*American Airlines*Something special in the air

*American Dairy Association*Behold the power of cheese

*American Express*Do more

*American Express*Don’t leave home without it

*American Express*My life. My card

*Anacin*For fast, fast, fast relief

*APC*Legendary reliability

*Apple Macintosh* Think Different.

*Apple*The power to be your best

*Apple* Think different

*Apple* Think outside the box

*AT&T * The World's Networking Company

*AT&T*Reach out and touch someone

*AT&T*The world’s networking company

*Audi*Never follow

*Avis*We try harder

*Bank of America*Bank of Opportunity

*Bank of America*Higher standards

*Barack Obama*Change we need

*Barclays * Fluent in Finance; It’s our business to know your business

*Bartles & Jaymes*Thank you for your support

*Bayer Aspirin*Bayer works wonders

*Bic*Flick my Bic

*Bissell*Life’s messy clean it up!

*Bissell*We mean clean

*BLOGGER.COM * Push Button Publishing

*BMW*Sheer driving pleasure

*BMW*The ultimate driving machine

*BOSE*Better sound through research

*Bounty*The quicker picker*upper

*BPCL * Pure for Sure

*Braniff Airlines*When you’ve got it, flaunt it

*Brim Decaffeinated Coffee*Fill it to the rim with Brim

*Bristol*Myers Squibb Co*Hope, triumph, and the miracle of medicine

*British Airways*The way to fly

*British Airways*The world’s favorite airline

*British Petroleum * Beyond Petroleum

*British Rail*We’re getting there *Budweiser*The king of beers


*Burger King*Have it your way

*Burger King*It just tastes better

*Cadillac*Break through

*Calgon Toiletries*Calgon, take me away

*California Almond Growers*A can a week, that’s all we ask

*California Milk Processor Board*Got milk?

*Calvin Klein Jeans*Nothing comes between me and my Calvins

*Calvin Klein*Between love and madness lies obsession

*Camel*I’d walk a mile for a camel

*CameraWorld*For negative people

*Capital One*What’s in your wallet?

*Cascade*For virtually spotless dishes

*CEAT * Born Tough

*Charmin*Please don’t squeeze the Charmin

*Cheese Council*Anyway you please it, cheese it

*Cheez*It*Get your own box

*Chesterfield Cigarettes*A silly millimeter longer

*Chevron Corporation * Human Energy

*ChevronTexaco*Turning partnership into energy

*Chevy Trucks*Like a rock
*Chevy’s*Fresh Mex

*Chiffon Margarine*It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature *Chrysler*Inspiration comes standard

*Cialis*Will you be ready?

*Cisco Systems*Empowering the Internet generation

*Citgo*There at every turn

*Citi*City never sleeps

*Citi*Live richly

*Clairol*Does she or doesn’t she?

*Clairol*If I’ve only one life, let me live it as a blonde

*ClubMed*The antidote for civilization

*CNBC * Profit from it

*CNET*The source for computing and technology

*CNN*The most trusted name in news

*Coca*Cola*Coca*Cola refreshes you best

*Coca*Cola*Have a coke and smile

*Coca*Cola*The pause that refreshes

*Coors*The silver bullet

*Cotton Incorporated*Cotton The fabric of our lives

*Coty Perfume*If you want to capture someone’s attention, whisper

*Covergirl makeup*Easy, breezy, beautiful Covergirl

*Crest*Healthy, beautiful smiles for life

*Crest*Look, Ma, no cavities!

*Crisco Vegetable Shortening*Cooks who know trust Crisco

*Dannon Yogurt*Love it for life

*DeBeers*A diamond is forever

*Dell * Easy as DELL.

*Dell Computer*Easy as Dell

*Delta Airlines*We love to fly and it shows

*Delta Airlines*You’ll love the way we fly

*Denny’s*We’re cooking now

*DePuy Orthopedics*Restoring the joy of motion

*DHL*Competition. Bad for them. Great for you

*DHL*We move the world

*DHL*Yellow. The new Brown

*Dial Soap*Aren’t you glad you use Dial? Don’t you wish everybody did?

*Disneyland*The happiest place on earth

*Dunkin Donuts*Time to make the doughnuts

*DuPont*Better living through chemistry

*Dupont*Better things for better living, through chemistry

*DuPont*The miracles of science

*EBAY * The World's Online Market Place

*eBay*The power of all of us

*eBay*The world’s online marketplace

*EF Hutton*When EF Hutton talks, people listen

*El Pollo Loco*When you’re crazy for chicken

*Electrolux*Nothing sucks like an Electrolux

*Energizer Batteries*It keeps going, and going, and going

*Epiphany*See your way forward

*Ernst & Young*Quality in everything we do

*Ernst and Young * Quality in Everything we Do

*Essar corp * A positive a++itude

*Esso (Exxon)*Put a tiger in your tank

*Expediacom*Don’t just travel Travel right

*Exxon Mobil * Taking on the World’s Toughest Energy Challenges

*Fancy Feast*Good taste is easy to recognize

*FannieMae*Our business is the American dream

*Fedex*Absolutely, positively overnight

*FedEx*Relax, it’s FedEx

*FedEx*The world on time

*FedEx*When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight

*FIAT * Driven by Passion. FIAT

*Fisher*Price*Play. Laugh. Grow

*Florida Orange Juice Growers Association*It’s not just for breakfast anymore

*FORD – Built for the Road Ahead

*Ford*Bold Moves

*Ford*Built for the road ahead

*Ford*Drive one

*Ford*Ford has a better idea

*Ford*Quality is job one

*Foster’s*Foster’s Australian for beer

*Fosters* Fosters—Australian for beer

*Fox News*Fair and balanced

*Friends of the Animals*Extinct is forever

*FTD*Say it with flowers

*GAIL * Gas and Beyond

*General Electric*Imagination at work

*General Electric*We bring good things to life

*General Foods*Celebrate the moments of your life

*Georgia Federal*Two words to the wise

*Gerber*Babies are our business

*Gerber*Shouldn’t your baby be a Gerber baby?

*Geritol*My wife, I think I’ll keep her

*Gillette Dry idea*Never let ‘em see you sweat

*Gillette*Look sharp, feel sharp

*Gillette*The best a man can get

*GLAD*Don’t get mad, Get GLAD

*Glaxo/Wellcome*Disease has no greater enemy

*GM – Only GM.

*Goodyear*The best tires in the world have Goodyear written all over them

*Grey Poupon*Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?

*Greyhound*Leave the driving to us   

*Guidant*It’s a great time to be alive

*Haig Scotch Whiskey*Don’t be vague, ask for Haig

*Hallmark*When you care enough to send the very best

*Harley Davidson* American by birth. Rebel by choice

*Hawaiian Punch*Hey! How about a nice Hawaiian Punch?

*Hebrew National*We answer to a higher authority

*Hertz*Hertz puts you in the driver’s seat

*Hewlett Packard*Invent

*HJ Heinz* 57 varieties

*Holiday Inn*Pleasing people the world over

*HONDA * The Power of Dreams

*Honda*The power of dreams

*Hooters* Delightfully tacky, yet unrefined

*Hostess Cakes*Where’s the cream filling?

*HP*Invent * Everything is Possible

*Huggies*We’re behind you every step of the way

*HYUNDAI * Drive Your Way

*IBM * I think, therefore IBM.


*IBM*Solutions for a small planet

*IBP * Pure bhi. Poora bhi

*Improve your odds with Infosys Predictability

*Infosys * Powered by Intellect, Driven by Values;

*Intel * Intel inside.

*Intel*Intel Inside

*IOCL * Bringing Energy to Life

*Irish Spring Soap*Manly yes, but I like it, too

*Ivory Soap*99.44% pure

*Ivory Soap*Pure clean, pure Ivory

*Jack in the Box*Jack’s back!

*Jaguar*Don’t dream it. Drive it

*Jaguar*The art of performance

*Jell*O*America’s most famous dessert

*Jet Airways * The Joy of Flying

*John Deere*Nothing runs like a Deere

*JPMorgan Chase Bank*The right relationship is everything

*Juicy Juice   100 % juice for 100% kids

*Kaiser Permanente*Thrive

*Karry*Lite*Takes the ‘lug’ out of luggage

*Kay Jewelers*Every kiss begins with Kay

*Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes*They’re g*r*r*r*eat!

*Kellogg’s Rice Krispies*Snap, Crackle, Pop

*Kellogg’s Smart Start*Start aging smart

*Kentucky Fried Chicken*Finger*lickin’ good!

*KFC*Nobody does chicken like KFC

*Kingfisher Airlines * Fly the good times

*Kix Cereal*Kid tested Mother approved

*Kodak*Share moments Share life

*Kotak * Think Investments. Think Kotak.

*KPMG*It’s time for clarity

*L’OrĂ©al*Because I’m worth it

*Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority*What happens here, stays here

*Lay’s Potato Chips*Betcha can’t eat just one

*LEE * The jeans that built America

*LendingTree*When banks compete, you win

*LENOVO * We are building a new technology company.

*Lexus*The relentless pursuit of perfection

*Life Cereal*Hey, Mikey he likes it!

*LifeCall*I’ve fallen and I can’t get up

*Listerine*Always a bridesmaid, but never a bride

*Lucent Technologies*Creating value through true convergence

*Lucky Charms*Magically delicious

*Lucky Strike*Lucky Strike means fine tobacco

*Lufthansa * There's no better to fly

*M&Ms*Melts in your mouth, not in your hands

*Macromedia * What the web can be.

*Malaysian Airlines * Going Beyond Expectations

*Marlboro*Come to Marlboro Country

*Master card * There are some things money can't buy. For everything else there's MASTERCARD.

*Maxwell House*Good to the last drop

*Maypo*I want my Maypo

*Maytag Appliances*Our repairmen are the loneliest guys in town

*Mazda*Passion for the road

*McDonald’s*Did somebody say McDonald’s?

*McDonald’s*I’m lovin’ it

*McDonald’s*We love to see you smile

*Memorex*Is it live or is it Memorex?

*Meow Mix*Tastes so good cats ask for it by name

*Merrill*Lynch*Merrill*Lynch is bullish on America

*Metropolitan Home*Mode for your abode

*MGM*MGM means great movies

*Michelin*Because so much is riding on your tires

*Michelob Ultra*Lose the carbs. Not the taste

*Microsoft * Where Do You Want to Go Today; Your Potential Our Passion

*Microsoft*Where do you want to go today?

*Microsoft*Your potential Our passion

*Milk Board*It does a body good

*Miller Beer*It’s Miller time!

*Miller High Life*The champagne of bottled beer

*Miller Lite*Everything you always wanted in a beer And less

*Miller Lite*Tastes great, less filling

*Mitsubishi Motors*Wake up and drive

* * Never Settle

*MorganStanley*One client at a time

*Morton Salt*When it rains, it pours

*Motrin*Medicine with muscle

*Mountain Dew*Do the Dew

*MRF * Tyres with Muscle

*National Cattlemen’s Beef*Beef It’s what’s for dinner

*National Crime Prevention*Take a bite out of crime

*National Highway Traffic Safety Administration*You could learn a lot from a dummy Buckle up!

*National Pork Board*Pork. The other white meat

*NBC*Must see TV

*NDTV Profit * News you can Use.

*Nestles Butterfinger*Break out of the ordinary

*New York State Division of Tourism*I love New York

*Nike*Just do it

*Nikon*At the heart of the image

*Nine Lives Cat Food*Only fit for a king Nine Lives

*Nintendo Wii*Wii would like to play

*Nissan*Enjoy the ride


*Nokia*Connecting people

*Noxzema*Take it all off

*NyQuil*The nighttime sniffling sneezing coughing aching stuffy head fever so you can rest medicine

*Office Depot*Taking care of business

*Old Spice*The mark of a man

*Oldsmobile*It’s not your father’s Oldsmobile anymore

*OneTouch*Changes everything

*ONGC * Making Tomorrow Brighter

*Oracle*Software powers the Internet

*Ore*Ida*Ore*Ida! It’s all*righta!

*Outback Steakhouse*No rules Just right

*Pace Picante Sauce*Grab the Southwest by the bottle

*Pacific Southwest Airlines*Catch our smile

*Packard*Ask the man who owns one

*Panasonic*Slightly ahead of its time

*Parkay Margarine*The flavor says butter

*Paul Masson*We will sell no wine before its time

*Pepperidge Farm*Pepperidge Farm remembers

*Pepsi*Come alive! You’re in the Pepsi generation

*Pepsi*For those who think young

*Pepsi*Pepsi*Cola hits the spot

*Pepsi*The choice of a new generation

*Pepsi*The taste of a new generation

*Perdue Chicken*It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken

*Petco*Where the pets go

*Peugeot*The best kept automotive secret in America

*Philip Morris*Talk They’ll listen

*Planter’s Peanuts*Famously fresh

*Playtex Cross*Your*Heart Bra*Lifts and separates

*Polaroid*The fun develops instantly

*Prudential*Get a piece of the rock

*Quaker Oatmeal*Something to smile about

*Quiznos*M’m, m’m, m’m, m’m, m’mtoasty!

*Qwest*Ride the light

*Qwest*Spirit of service

*Radio Shack*You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers

*RAID*RAID kills bugs dead

*Redbull*It gives you wings

*Reliance industries Limited * Growth is Life

*Remington*I liked it so much I bought the company

*Ricoh*How well do you share?

*Rolaids*How do you spell relief? R*O*L*A*I*D*S

*Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines*Get out there

*Safeway*Ingredients for life

*Sahara * Emotionally yours.

*Salesforcecom*Experience success

*Sanka*Sanka—everything you love about coffee

*Saturn* A different kind of car company

*Schlitz*The beer that made Milwaukee famous

*Schlotzky’s Deli*Funny name. Serious sandwich

*Schweppes*Schhh! You know who?

*Seagate*We turn on ideas

*Secret Deodorant*Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman

*Servo * 100 % Performance. Everytime.

*Shake and Bake*It’s Shake and Bake, and I helped

*Sherwin Williams*Cover the earth

*Skoal*Always there in a pinch

*SKODA – Obsessed with Quality since 1897.

*Smith Barney*We make the money the old*fashioned way—we earn it

*Smucker’s*With a name like Smucker’s, it has to be good

*Snapple*Made from the best stuff on Earth

*Southwest Airlines*You are now free to move about the country

*Speed * High Performance Petrol

*SPRINT PCS*Now, that’s better

*Sprite*Obey your thirst

*Standard Chartered Bank * Your Right Partner

*Staples*That was easy

*Star Sports * We know your game

*Starkist Tuna*Sorry, Charlie Starkist wants tuna that tastes good, not tuna with good taste

*Subway*Eat fresh

*Subway*Five dollar foot long

*Sun Microsystems * The Network is the Computer

*Sun Microsystems*The network is the computer

*Sunkist*Better snacking

*SuperSoil*If it’s not SuperSoil, it’s just plain old dirt

*Sweet ‘N Low*There’s no equal

*T Rowe Price*Invest with confidence

*Taco Bell*Head for the border

*Taco Bell*Think outside the bun

*Taco Bell*You quiero Taco Bell

*Tareyton Cigarettes*I’d rather fight than switch

*Target*Expect more. Pay less

*TATA MOTORS – Even More Car per Car

*TAZO*TAZO. The reincarnation of tea

*TCS * Beyond the Obvious

*Tempur*Pedic   Welcome to bed

*The Economist*Free enterprise with every issue

*The New York Times*All the news that’s fit to print

*The Sharper Image*For the person who has everything, we have everything else

*The Virginia Tourism Commission*Virginia is for lovers

*Tide*If it’s gotta be clean, it’s gotta be Tide

*TIMESJOBS.COM * If you have a reason, we have the job *

*Timex*Takes a licking and keeps on ticking

*Toshiba*Choose freedom

*TOYOTA * Touch the Perfection

*Toyota Innova * All you Desire.

*Toyota*Get the feeling

*Trix Cereal*Silly rabbit, trix are for kids

*Tyco*A vital part of your world

*Tylenol*It’s hospital recommended

*Unisys*Imagine it Done

*United Airlines*Fly the friendly skies

*United Airlines*Time to fly

*United Negro College Fund*The mind is a terrible thing to waste

*Unocal*The spirit of 76’

*UPS*What can Brown do for you?

*US Army*Some of our best men are women

*US Army*There’s strong. And then, there’s Army strong.

*US Dept of Transportation*Friends don’t let friends drive drunk

*US Forest Service*Give a hoot, don’t pollute

*US Forest Service*Only you can prevent forest fires

*US Marines*The few, the proud, the Marines

*US Marines*We’re looking for a few good men

*US Navy*It’s not a job. It’s an adventure

*US Peace Corps*The toughest job you’ll ever love

*US Postal Service*We deliver for you

*V8*I could had a V*8!

*Verizon Wireless*Can you hear me now? …Good

*Verizon Wireless*We never stop working for you

*Victor Talking Machine Co*His master’s voice

*Virginia Slims Cigarettes* You’ve come a long way, baby

*VISA*It’s everywhere you want to be

*Visine*Visine gets the red out

*VOLKSWAGEN * Drivers wanted

*Volkswagen* Drivers wanted

*Volkswagen*Think small

*Volvo*For life

*Wal*Mart*Always low prices

*Walmart*Save money. Live better

*Wells Fargo*The next stage

*Wendy’s*Where’s the beef?

*Western Airlines*Western Airlines the only way to fly

*Wheaties* The breakfast of champions

*Windows XP * Do More with Less

*WIPRO * Applying Thought

*Wisk Laundry Detergent*Ring around the collar

*World Wildlife Fund*  a living planet

*Xerox* Zwe’re moving beyond documents

*Yahoo! Personals*Believe

*Yellow Pages*Let your fingers do the walking

*ZDNet*Where technology means business
*Zenith* The quality goes in before the name goes on


*7 Up*The uncola

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